Voyage to the Mystery Library of the City of Light Fussid and Dormant DNA Helix Meditation

The radio program "The Mystery Books of the Cities of Light" / Radio "The Good Life" Voyage to the Mystery Library of the City of Light Fussid and Dormant DNA Helix Meditation . By the medium No'am Koral – Guil'ad – (From program 2. broadcast on October 9, 2012)

Linguistic editing of the original in Hebrew, by Semadar Bergman

Shalom to you all. Let us all close our eyes and come underneath the pyramid of crystal energy, take deep breaths and focus inwards more and more, on the epicenter of our being.

When inhaling, let us take-in the energy of the One Creator's love; when exhaling let us allow this energy to spread inside our entire bodies. At the same time, let us also concentrate on soliciting for our consciousness to enter into the place of our heart and being.

From that spot, I summon the one and beloved Creator and all the masters and masteresses with whom we collaborate, the lords and the ladies of Amenti, the masters and ladies of Karma, and the One Archangel Metatron.

Now, while we still have our eyes closed, let us become fine- tuned for constructing, each our own chariot.

A chariot is a structure of a three- dimensional Star of David composed of one three- faceted pyramid straight up and another upside down with both their centers converging in the same spot, in which center- spot we also position ourselves. We seek to construct a chariot in which the structural beams are made of gold- energy and the encompassed space – of crystal energy. We are positioned each in the center our own double- pyramid- chariot.

Let us now start inhaling through the spot where the head connects with the heart, through that place of extreme brightness, clarity and focus. Slowly, slowly let us start spinning our chariots around us and perceive how our own chariots are swirlingly rising and joining the rest as we all take off towards the City of Light Fussid in a circular group- formation.

Gradually we begin to perceive white, shining light ahead, from which is emanating and transmitted much love. It is a place where the energy is clear, pure and crystalline. As we come closer, we can see a square- shaped structure of a temple capped by a dome. It is made of crystal- energy with crystal- energy pillars. At the entrance to the temple a stunning being is awaiting us. A being totally crystalline, overflowing with love, presence and power. This is Master Horlet.


Eliyahu, would you like to tell us what you know about him?

ELIYAHU HOLLEY : I know that Master Horlet was the Great Master of Atlantis, and that Tuth used to bring messages from him. Master Horlet is actually he who founded Atlantis and also held a key position at the time of its fall.

NOAM : What is known to me is, that when Atlantis was physically drowning, Master Horlet drowned physically as well with the temple, but then ascended by his light- body to the Tenth Dimension where he resides even today inside an ethereal temple.

Master Horlet has arrived to welcome us. Let us recall that the dwellers of the City of Light Fussid are originally Atlanteans and have brought with them the Atlantean culture and knowledge. They communicate between them by telepathy, crystals and other capabilities they have brought from Atlantis, just that this time over they have already learnt the lesson, wherefore they are focusing on developing the qualities of the heart and on studying the lesson of connecting between the head and the heart and not just the qualities connected with the spirit, the soul and the more elevated being.

Now, let us breathe a few times. Master Horlet is standing in front of us. He is raising his hands and blessing each of us in a manner that is somewhat like the Blessing of the Cohanim, knowing full well what blessing particularly becomes each of us. Each of us is solicited to feel and know that we are receiving a gift. The blessing may take on the form of intense energy, very coded, or the form of crystal- energy, or any other form. We are now solicited to accept this energy, to inhale it, to integrate it into our essence.


After Master Horlet has finished blessing all of us, he beckons to us to come closer and follow him. He turns and enters the temple. We follow him. We are now inside a large temple, all gleaming and twinkling with crystal- energy of various colors (designating the various frequencies of the crystal- energy). Now, we go on through long, well lit corridors and arrive at a wide gate with two portals. Master Horlet gives a signal, the portals open and we enter a vast hall all made of crystal- energy and containing many scrolls of various shapes. Master Horlet leads us in, into the vast library hall. In the center of the room there is a huge elliptical table. Master Horlet signals us to each take a seat. We realize we have already visited the library the previous time around, only in another room. The vast hall we have just entered contains tens of thousands of scrolls dealing with various matters concerning the person. Last time we had entered to receive a personal gift, but this time Master Horlet brings along a scroll which he is about to unroll and teach us a certain kind of knowledge.


We are sitting there, trying to absorb the ambiance and the stunning energy flowing about the room. Our chariots have already been integrated into us. Master Horlet approaches and spreads the scroll on the table. When the scroll is unraveling it emits light flashes and sparkles to all directions. We seek to shroud ourselves with these sparkles that reach us all and surround us. Each of these sparkles contains information and we solicit for these bits of information to be absorbed inside our whole being.


Now, Master Tuth will commence reading out from the scroll whatever we may be capable of accepting.


MASTER TUTH : This will come to pass in the era of the end of the olden days and the recreation of new out of the old.

It will be an eon in which Man will discover his true being in its entirety – the being of the Creator which is inside of us.

In those days humans will experience at some period, the loss of direction at some times, and at other times – that all which was hitherto familiar and known becoming garbled and disappearing. However, the New will necessitate preparation in order to be absorbed.

In those days a struggle between love and fear might occur.

In those days fear might be concealing itself, sometimes within the light.

In many old scriptures, that period is called "Hurray – Alas", as it is going to present contradictions, put one opposite the other – the free choice between your divine essence and your human weaknesses, between the option to go where you may grow, develop and bring the entirety of your wholesome being into the world which you are right now already in the process of building, or the option of succumbing to where fear might lead you.

Dears, you must keep in mind that now, most of you have elected a profound choice, the goal of which is love, light and the creation of a new eon.

Dears, I would like to say something which nobody has yet talked about. You know that you are about to pass into the Fifth Dimension at some level, even if your bodies will remain physical and Planet Earth will remain physical. However, you must understand that even the Fifth Dimension, about which we are talking now, is about to undergo change, i.e. since Planet Earth, you, I, and the One Creator are all one being, change and conversion are not possible only in some parts – everything is about to undergo a deep and powerful process of change and conversion. So it is that the Fifth Dimension – with which by now you are acquainted from your visits there and your experiences thereof, and from your friends who dwell in the Cities of Light that are in that dimension – is also to be undergoing change, together with all the other dimensions of Creation.


Dear and beloved, this now is the place within yourselves to which you have arrived. You must keep in mind that the exterior fear reflects the places within you which have not as yet come to be expressed. Now, purely and simply is the time to elect the place of your inner truth that is within you.

Know thee, dear and beloved, that you have arrived in this world, in this universe, at this time, not in order to be wiped- out, but rather in order to create – by means of your stunning capabilities which you come to acknowledge more and more – a world that is completely new.

In those days, humans will come to be acquainted with the powers and the energies inherent in the DNA of each and every one. In those days the will shall rise, to activate the twelve helixes and even additional ones.

Now I will start to pass on to you information in a different language which will awaken the memories cached in your DNA. In your DNA there are already the 36 original strands (helixes). However these strands are dormant now because energetically and from the aspect of the collective human personality, the moment is not yet ripe to such extent that humanity be able to use it wisely and purely enough.

Wherefore, Dears, we will start now to release couples of symbols, through singing, through energy. Do express your intention to accept them into your DNA. One couple of tune- and- symbol goes to the physical DNA and each of the other couples of tune- and- symbol go to the pairs of helixes of the meta- physical DNA for the purpose of activating those strands as they gradually return to action.

Here is a detailed explanation :

Strand = helix. In each whole DNA there is one pair of helixes.

There are three different terms : 1. helixes (also called strands); 2. pairs; 3. couples :

  1. the helixes relate to 12 helixes times 3 = 36;

  2. every 12 helixes are 6 pairs, as each DNA is composed of a pair of helixes;

  3. The word couples relates only to the tunes and symbols which are embedded in each pair of helixes. In the first, physiological, pair of helixes there is only one couple of tune- and- symbol that is embedded in its center while in the other pairs there are three couples of tunes- and- symbols that are embedded in each pair of helixes.


The first 12 helixes may be called "New Eon helixes" (1 – 12). Helixes №s 13 – 24 = "Atlantean helixes", and helixes №s 25 – 36 = "Lemurian helixes".


The first pair of helixes, which belongs to the physical- biologic structure, one couple of tunes is given, that will be embedded into the center of the DNA at the central point of connection between the pair of helixes, i.e. the center of the molecule.


When the text relates to the ten strands, it relates to the additional ten helixes, the electro- magnetic ones, which are also grouped in pairs (five pairs – one pair to each DNA) but are not yet visible, so together with the (first) physiological pair of helixes (actually the 6th) they compose all the 12 often- mentioned (presnt- time) DNA helixes. This is the most dense part of the three parts composing the DNA (the 12 presnt- time helixes; the 24 Atlantean; the 36 Lemurian. Contrary to the physiological pair of helixes where the couple of tunes- and- symbols is embedded in its center, the other five pairs of helixes (the electro- magnetic ones) have the couples of tunes- and- symbols embedded in each pair of helixes in three major locations – the upper area of the molecule, its center, its lower area. So it is with the middle group of pairs of helixes (№s 13 – 24).


Actually, we are about to do an even deeper action, as with the new strands, i.e. the ten out of the twelve, we will give three couples for each pair of strands (i.e. three couples of tunes to each of the five pairs) and after that we are going to go on to yet deeper work in order to start awakening extensively the higher strands.

Let us begin : now we start working with the physical- biologic pair of strands that we are acquainted with. We seek to integrate this couple of tunes- and- symbols precisely into the center of the DNA in order that it starts to beat there and starts to act on the DNA in all directions. At each stage we will instruct about the next stage.

(NOAM plays the tune of activation for the helixes and downloads the symbols into them by means of the tune).

Now, solicit to have this couple of tune- and- symbol integrated into the center of your physical DNA; inhale it two, three times; perceive it starting to beat inside you and to radiate light, power, vitality, and wakefulness.  Solicit it to activate the knowledge relevant to you personally.

Now, let us solicit that the action of integration continue during the entire process.

Now, we go on to the first pair of strands (the first DNA) of the ten additional strands – the five additional DNAs (these 12 helixes belong to the present- time helixes).

We start with the first couple of symbols. Let us seek to install them in the center of the DNA and the other two couples to be installed one each towards the ends of the DNA.


Let us begin with integrating the couple of tune- and- symbol into the middle portion of the DNA (the first two helixes of the 5 pairs).

(NOAM plays the tune of activation for the helixes and downloads the symbols into them by means of the tune).

We let the middle couple be integrated and start acting. We solicit for it to awaken all that we are capable of containing and using. We solicit for it to awaken in us ability and will and to challenge us in a delicate manner to reach for even more powerful and higher places – as far as we can reach.


Now, let us go on to the upper couple in the same pair – go over to the couple of tunes suiting the upper portion of the DNA (we are still at the same pair of helixes – the first pair of the electro- magnetic DNAs).

(NOAM plays the tune of activation for the helixes and downloads the symbols into them by means of the tune).

Let us solicit for this couple of symbols as well, to start integrating into the upper portion of these two DNA strands. Let us keep in mind that these symbols are multi- dimensional and contain powerful codes of energy. They have light, tune, color and beat. They are made of various energies, including gold- and crystal- energies as well as many energies we have as yet not been exposed to but which the time is ripe for them to illuminate the capabilities that are within us.


Now, let us go on to the third and last couple of tune- and- symbol for this pair of helixes – the one to be located at the bottom portion of this DNA, this pair of helixes.


(NOAM plays the tune of activation for the helixes and downloads the symbols into them by means of the tune).


We let these symbols integrate as well, and go on to the second pair of helixes of the five pairs. We begin with downloading and integrating a couple of tune- and- symbol into the middle portion of this pair of helixes.


(NOAM plays the tune of activation for the helixes and downloads the symbols into them by means of the tune).


Now, let us solicit for this frequency also, to be connected to the frequency of the DNA, to awaken it and to flush it with energy of a very different, soft and delicate love that is found in a high frequency which is so fine that it can change matters. Now the couple of tunes- and- symbols is integrating into the middle portion of the second DNA of the five, in the central point between the two helixes.

Now, let us go on to the upper portion in the same pair – integrating the couple of tune- and- symbol into the upper portion in the same DNA.


(NOAM plays the tune of activation for the helixes and downloads the symbols into them by means of the tune).


Now we integrate also this couple.

Each couple of symbols has its own special energy, with part thereof being more passive and the other part more active. The passive part awakens more the containment and empowerment abilities of the new energies, while the other part activates those places which are not new, which already exist within us, which we now reawaken.


Let us solicit for this energy to be integrated into us, and go on to the bottom portion of the same pair of helixes, the same DNA.

(NOAM plays the tune of activation for the helixes and downloads the symbols into them by means of the tune).


We let this couple integrate as well. Pay attention that all the helixes we have already activated are active simultaneously, they vibrate and the symbols of the couple are active inside them.


We go on to the third pair of helixes, the third DNA for the purpose of integrating a couple of tune- and- symbol into its center

(From this stage on our work is repetitive : integration of a couple of tune- and- symbol into the center of a pair of helixes of the five pairs, followed by integration of another couple of tune- and- symbol into the upper portion of that pair of helixes and finally integration of yet another couple of tune- and- symbol into the lower portion of that pair of helixes, from which we go on to the next pair of helixes, through the fifth).


Now we go on to the last of the five pairs of this part. Later, at home, you will be required to activate separately, in turn, each of the couples of tunes- and- symbols, to experience it separately inside its pair of helixes and thus you will be able to activate the specific information pertaining to you that is in each.

Now, we go on to the middle part, i.e. the part of the Atlatean helixes, to the part that begins with helix № 13 and ends with helix № 24. The work here is identical. We work with three couples of tunes- and- symbols for each pair of helixes, starting each time with the center of the DNA (the center of the pair of helixes), continue with the couple of tune- and- symbol that suits the upper portion of the pair of helixes and finish with the last couple of tune- and- symbol that is adjusted to the lower portion of the DNA (of the pair of helixes).

Now, we thank everybody, enter our chariots and travel back to the here and now.

פורסם בקטגוריה English, The Mystery Books of the Cities of Light. אפשר להגיע לכאן עם קישור ישיר.